The American government has a premonition that the Baggalutian people have weopons that can produce mass-destruction. Because of this premonition I have been asked to inspect your arsenal.

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The American government has a premonition that the Baggalutian people have weopons that can produce mass-destruction. Because of this premonition I have been asked to inspect your arsenal.

Don't you tell me whether I speak good or bad English, that is not the reason why I'm here. I was chosen by George Bush himself and if my English is good enough for him it's good enough for you.

So you have no leader then,... that was unexpected. So you people are just anarchists?

InnleggSnjókast! - Agent Smith - 5/12/05 21:51

What is going on here? What is this place? This is disgusting!

Why did you do that? That was one of my favorites. Picks up another gun

We are not to fond of Agents mr. Smith. you can call me mr. Anderson
Finally someone I can talk to. Can you take me to your leader Mr. Anderson?

Will someone please take the gun away from the cat? This is a very dangerous weapon you see, and little cats should not be playing with those kind of tools.

What? I don't understand the language you're talking.

I wont tolerate any giggle when I speak and will you please talk to me in a international language lady!

My name is Mr. Smith and I work for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). I was sent from the president of United States of America to reassure that you follow the rules of democracy.

In a hope of ...
